Climate Jobs NY Update: Mayor Adams Tours Carbon Free and Healthy Schools Apprenticeship Program

This past Tuesday, Climate Jobs NY (CJNY) was excited to host New York City Mayor Eric Adams for a tour of the Local 3 Electrical Industry Training Center in Long Island City to discuss the benefits the Carbon Free and Healthy Schools (CFHS) Initiative would have for NYC. The Mayor was welcomed by CFHS steering committee affiliates Building and Construction Trades Council of Greater New York, NYC Central Labor Council, United Federation of Teachers, 32BJ SEIU, and DC37 AFSCME, as well as CJNY affiliates IBEW Local 3, Insulators Local 12, NYC District Council of Carpenters, Sheetmetal Workers Local 28, Painters and Allied Trades District Council 9, Steamfitters Local 638, BAC Local 7 Tile, Marble & Terrazzo, Bricklayers Local 1, Concrete Workers DC16, Laborers Local 79, UA Plumbers Local 1, and Metallic Lathers & Reinforcing Ironworkers Local 46, as well as Apprenticeship Readiness Collective Affiliates Construction Skills, Pathways to Apprenticeship, Nontraditional Employment for Women, and NY Helmets to Hardhats.
Accelerating solar installation and completing deep energy-efficiency retrofits of NYC public school buildings by 2030 could create 45,000 green jobs employing workers of every trade, and provide union career pathways for women, justice-involved NYers, and communities of color. Throughout the tour, the Mayor met with pre-apprenticeship graduates and apprentices, and affiliate members who spoke about the positive impacts being in a union has made in their lives. By investing in CFHS, NYC can significantly reduce emissions, save millions of dollars on energy costs, create thousands of union jobs, and make schools healthier and safer learning and working environments for our students, teachers, and staff. Learn more about the campaign at (Photos: Jack Miller/Miller Photo)