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Climate Jobs NY Update: American Clean Power's Offshore Wind Conference

Sean Mackell
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During American Clean Power's Offshore Wind Conference in Boston last week, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) announced the nation's path forward to achieve 30GW of offshore wind by 2030. This includes seven lease auctions by 2025, including areas off the coasts of Maine, California, Oregon, and the first of which will be the waters in the NY bight to be auctioned in early 2022.
The conference and BOEM's announcement reemphasized the once-in-a-generation opportunity we have to create a robust offshore wind industry built on good union jobs.

"The wind is at our backs! Along with BOEM's forward-thinking announcement on offshore wind lease auctions, the conference demonstrated that there is exponential potential to secure a domestic supply chain, vast transmission upgrades, and create thousands of good union jobs across the country," said Mariah Dignan, Climate Jobs NY, Long Island organizer.