Artists of Ailey Rally for a Fair Contract

The AGMA-represented dancers and stage managers of Alvin Ailey rallied with supporters yesterday as part of their fight for a fair contract with pay and benefits that meet industry standards. Ailey’s Artists, predominately African-American dancers, earn much less than dancers at comparable companies with similar or even smaller budgets. Additionally, these Artists put on more performances than any other major dance company in the United States—175 to 200 per year—with only one-third to one-half the number of dancers at other companies. Meanwhile, the highest paid members of management at Ailey are among the highest paid in the industry—higher than even those in companies with much larger budgets than Ailey’s—with the top 5 earning as much or more in a year than all 34 dancers and stage managers combined.
Please show your support for the #ArtistsOfAiley by contacting Executive Director Bennett Rink at 212-405-9000. Let him know that you love the company and that you encourage management to give greater consideration to the needs of the Artists, as they are the heart and soul of this beloved institution.