AFL-CIO Representatives Resign from Presidential Council on Manufacturing

This week, in the wake of President Trump’s offensive remarks about white supremacist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, AFL-CIO representatives President Richard Trumka and Deputy Chief of Staff Thea Lee announced their resignation from Trump’s American Manufacturing Council.
In a statement released Tuesday, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said, “It’s clear that President Trump’s manufacturing council was never an effective means for delivering real policy that lifts working families, and his remarks today were the last straw. We joined this council with the intent to be a voice for working people, and real hope that it would result in positive economic policy, but it has become yet another broken promise on the president’s record. From hollow councils to bad policy and embracing bigotry, the actions of this administration have consistently failed working people.”
You can read AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka’s longer op-ed in The New York Times, explaining his reasons for exiting the Council, here.