AFGE Rallies to Support SSA Workers Who Support America

After years of underfunding, the Social Security Administration has reached a 27 year low in staffing while asked to serve a record high number of applicants resulting in a burnt out workforce and long service delays.
Last Friday, AFGE leaders, members and supporters demonstrated at Bowling Green to demand Congress support SSA workers and fund it to fix it. AFGE President Everett B. Kelley was joined by NYC CLC Secretary-Treasurer Janella T. Hinds as well as leaders and members of AFGE locals to demand that SSA be fully funded and fully staffed so that it can provide Social Security benefits to the American people today and for generations to come.
The last time Social Security operated at a funding level that met public demand was arguably 2015, and today, the Agency is struggling to meet the needs of the American people. Due to years of budget shortfalls, SSA now operates on less than 1% of benefit outlays, dramatically impacting customer service.
The Social Security Agency is in a crisis that only funding can solve. You can help by contacting your federal elected officials and telling them that Congress needs to step up and prioritize this critical funding today!