TWU Local 100 Members Gather at Grand Central to Fight MTA Service Cuts

Members of TWU Local 100 and the Riders Alliance gathered Wednesday outside Grand Central to make the case against service cuts and in support of six minute service and better transit funding. The MTA unfairly plans to reduce subway service on Mondays and Fridays because its wealthier suburban commuters are not coming into their Manhattan offices on those days. This will create longer waits and more crowding for millions of regular New Yorkers.
“We think the Monday to Friday cuts are horrible. It doesn’t do any justice for the riding public and our members who will who will have to explain to the customers why the trains aren’t coming and they have to wait longer,” said TWU Local 100 President Richard Davis.
Many of those who will be negatively impacted didn’t have the luxury of working from home during the pandemic and still don’t have the luxury today: blue-collar, front-line and essential workers, lower-income immigrants and people of color living in outer borough neighborhoods where ridership is still strong. Read more from PIX11, and click here to sign TWU Local 100's petition to tell the MTA that a world class city needs a world class, fully funded transit system!