Stagehands at NYC’s ‘Little Island’ Unanimously Approve Union With IATSE Local One

After a year of legal delays, Stagehands at Little Island voted “Yes” for a union with the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) Local One. The vote was unanimous in favor of representation by Local One.
Having opened in the Spring of 2021, Little Island is one of New York City’s newest parks and architectural wonders. Built in the Hudson River upon a series of custom designed columns which were inspired by tulips, the 2.4-acre park contains a 687-seat amphitheater as well as an outdoor performance space known as the Glade. The park has an annual summer performance series hosting a wide variety of acts including music, dance, theater, and comedy as well as regular daily performances throughout the park.
“The crew at Little Island stood together in solidarity because they understand the benefits of union representation. They are an integral part of the performances at the park and deserve a living wage, as well as the benefits and protections in the workplace that Local One representation provides. For the past 137 years, Local One has represented stagehands on Broadway, live television, concerts, and live events in the New York City area, and the crew of 25 at Little Island are continuing that tradition” said Local One Trustee and Organizer John Lott. Read more here!