Local 1500 Members Employed by Foragers Market Ratify their First Contract

This week, UFCW Local 1500 members from Foragers Market announced that they have voted to ratify their inaugural contract, which runs for 2 years. The workers at two Foragers Market stores in Chelsea and Brooklyn joined UFCW Local 1500 in April 2021 because they were concerned about arbitrary pay cuts, scheduling issues, sick leave violations, unfair and cruel treatment from management, lack of raises and benefits, and arbitrary and unfair terminations.
“I’m very glad we got the contract, we’ve been waiting for this for over a year," said Forager Market worker Samuel Cabello. "I’m so happy we finally got it, and all the good benefits the employees are getting from the union.” Congratulations to the members from Foragers Market for standing strong and standing together! (Pictured: Foragers Market Members Pedro Ovalle and Samuel Cabello with Representatives of Local 1500)