2020 NYC Labor Week of Action
Monday, Sept 7 through Saturday, Sept 12: Join the NYC CLC, affiliates, and community partners as we engage in a week of action to support NYC workers. Our week of action will include civic engagement and work around upcoming elections, outreach in the final weeks of the 2020 census, and organizing workers to build the labor movement across our City.
Monday, Sept. 7 (Labor Day): Kickoff to the Week of Action. On Monday, we’ll engage members and supporters by asking them to commit to taking one or more actions over the week to support Labor goals.
2PM: Catholic Labor Network livestreamed Labor Day Mass
4:15PM: Labor Day Live: A Conversation with Vice President Joe Biden
Tuesday, September 8:Labor Votes. Seven weeks out from election day, we’re focusing on voter registration efforts, absentee ballot applications, and other GOTV efforts, as well as the HEROES Act and other COVID-related legislation.
11AM-7:30PM: Phonebanking to battleground states
3PM: HEROES Act Zoom Panel discussion
Wednesday, September 9:Labor Counts. With 3 weeks left to accurately count NYC’s hardest-to-reach residents, we’ll focus on the Labor Counts! Census efforts.
6PM: Facebook Census Town Hall
Thursday, September 10:Labor Rises. We'll be highlighting recent organizing campaigns, information about how to join/form a union, testimonials from new union members, and all the ways that workers come together and build power to make their lives better.
11AM-7:30PM: Phonebanking to battleground states
2PM: Am I Safe at Work Webinar: Working People Winning in a Pandemic (participants must register by 4pm Tuesday)
Friday, September 11: 9/11 Commemorations.
8:30AM: Livestream of the Reading of Names
10:30AM: Livestream of IBEW Local 3 Commemorations
Saturday, September 12: A look back at Labor Week, and at Labor Day commemorations of past years.
9AM: Labor Mass Live Stream
Please continue to watch this space and the NYC CLC Facebook & Twitter pages for updates before and during the Week of Action!