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NY Metro Area Postal Union Holds Rally as Part of National Day of Action

Sean Mackell
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On Tuesday, people came together across America to celebrate the work of our public Postal Service — a pillar of our democracy and our communities. In NYC, postal workers and supporters including the NYC CLC gathered in front of the James A. Farley Post Office at noon — watch video of the rally here!

Postal workers helped defend our democratic rights, making vote-by-mail an unprecedented success in the election. In fact, 65 million people chose vote-by-mail as the safest, most secure way to vote in the 2020 elections, and 2020 turnout was the highest in 50 years thanks to the safety that vote-by-mail afforded.

Now as a country, we must defend the Postal Service. The Postal Service’s finances are in a critical state, with COVID causing massive drops in mail volume and projected revenue losses meaning that USPS could potentially run out of money next year. At the same time, a strong postal service is critical to a healthy democracy, not just at election time but all the time. USPS delivers 1.2 billion prescription drugs a year (including most Veterans’ prescriptions), critical supplies, financial statements, ecommerce, Social Security checks for seniors, and much more.

This is why Congress must pass $25 billion emergency COVID relief for the Postal Service, and permanently reverse Postmaster Generals DeJoy’s delay-causing policies. Click here to call the Senate and tell them to support at least $25 billion in stimulus funding for our public Postal Service and no return to PMG DeJoy's mail slowdown!