Rally for Columbia to Respect Democratic Choice
Columbia University
Low Memorial Library
New York, NY
Since Fall 2014, a strong majority of more than 3,000 research and teaching assistants (RAs and TAs) have consistently signed up in support of GWC-UAW as their union. In December 2014, more than 200 RAs and TAs assembled to demand that Columbia respect the choice of RAs and TAs by agreeing to a speedy and fair election, during which Columbia would remain neutral, so that RAs and TAs could choose unionization. Since Columbia took a position against unionization, GWC-UAW filed a petition with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), a case the Union continues to move forward despite Columbia administrators’ efforts to delay the process.
Help make Columbia the next major private university with a recognized RA/TA union.
Join us to urge the Columbia administration to respect the choice of RAs and TAs by refraining from any further legal delays, remaining neutral, and agreeing to bargain in good faith immediately upon confirmation of a majority vote for the Union in a free and fair election.
Please see the attached flyer for distribution.