Now You Know: Redistricting Teach-in
Join the NYC Public Advocate's Office for an overview of the New York State redistricting process, where experts will discuss how lines are drawn to protect representation for communities.
Featured Panelists:
Opening Remarks: Public Advocate Jumaane D. Williams
Moderator: Xamayla Rose, Deputy Public Advocate of Civic and Community Empowerment
Lurie Daniel Favors, Esq., Executive Director, Center for Law and Social Justice
Lucia Gomez, Political Director, New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO
Featured Partners:
Center for Law and Social Justice (CLSJ)
Community Voices Heard (CVH)
Educated Voter NY
National Pan-Hellenic Council of New York City
New York City Black Women’s Political Club
New York City Central Labor Council
New York Civil Liberties Union
WE ACT for Environmental Justice
RSVP here! For inquiries: