A Grand Alliance to Save our Public Postal Service: NYC Field Hearing
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
521 West 126th Street
New York, NY
Join in a public hearing to discuss how we can ensure that our public post offices are able to provide dependable and trusted services for generations to come. Our post offices are under attack. To make sure that we maintain a healthy and vibrant community, we need an efficient and reliable public post office.
Field Hearing officers will include: Minister Deirdre Fisher-Kemp, New Light Baptist Church; Michelle Holder, Assistant Professor of Economics, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY; Letitia James, Public Advocate for the City of New York.
Testimonials by: Steve Gould, Health Advocate, Visiting Neighbors; Jeremy Mohler, Communication Specialist at In The Public Interest; Julio Pabón, Bronx businessman and community activist; James Parrott, Chief Economist and Deputy Director of the Fiscal Policy Institute.
Welcome by: Gale Brewer, Manhattan Borough President
Moderated by: Nellie Bailey
Public comment period where you and your neighbors can make brief statements on the continuing need for a public Postal Service and the expansion of postal services for our community.