Take Action: Tell the NY Times to Agree to a Fair Contract with Times Tech!

NY Times management has slow-walked bargaining and attacked the Tech Guild every step of the way since workers first announced their intent to unionize in 2021. The NewsGuild of New York has filed more than a half dozen Unfair Labor Practice charges against the New York Times at the National Labor Relations Board for unlawful actions including failure to bargain in good faith and unilateral changes to working conditions.
On Sept. 10, Times Tech overwhelmingly approved a strike authorization and are ready to do whatever it takes to get the contract they deserve. And this week, nearly 750 New York Times journalists and Times Guild members signed a new pledge pressing the Times’s management to bargain and reach a contract deal with the Times Tech Guild by Election Day—read it here.
The Guild needs our help as well! Click here to tell the Times to stop their anti-union tactics and agree to a fair contract with Times Tech! And when you're done there, click here to read about what happens if the New York Times Tech Staff strikes on Election Night in the Washington Post!