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NYC CLC Executive Board Resolutions

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December 2024

NYC CLC Resolution Launching the 2025 NYC Labor Votes! Program

The Executive Board of the New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO (NYCCLC) adopted a resolution on the NYC Labor Votes! civic engagement and political action program which is essential to our Movement’s capacity to shape and influence public policy and legislation, while holding elected officials and decision-makers accountable to the needs of our City’s working families.

The NYCCLC is committed to running an ongoing, year-round civic engagement, voter education, and political action program; and encourages our affiliates to do the same with their members. Strengthening union households as a key voting base in New York City is central to the NYCCLC’s strategy for advocating and advancing policies and legislation that support our City’s working families.

Adopted: December 4, 2024


August 2024

NYC CLC Resolution in Support of the Retail Worker Safety Act

The Executive Board of the New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO adopted a resolution recognizing that workers in retail stores, pharmacies and supermarkets in New York are vulnerable to verbal and psychological harassment, to threats of violence, and violent crimes and assault; and that unsafe retail workplaces endanger workers and shoppers, presenting a serious threat to public safety. The NYCCLC, AFL-CIO urgently calls upon New York Governor Kathy Hochul to sign the Retail Worker Safety Act (RWSA) into law so that real-time preventative measures including active shooter drills and training in violence prevention, de-escalation tactics, and escape procedures, and the installation of panic buttons, are introduced into New York’s retail stores, pharmacies, and supermarkets to protect public safety.

Adopted: August 9, 2024

May 2023

NYC CLC Resolution in Support of Worker Organizing

The Executive Board of the New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO adopted a resolution in support of worker organizing, acknowledging that workers across all sectors of New York City face significant challenges in organizing and bargaining for living wages, benefits, and better working conditions. The NYCCLC, AFL-CIO resolved to work to mobilize its affiliates and allies to support organizing campaigns, including through public education and outreach, direct action, and political advocacy; and that the NYCCLC, AFL-CIO will make available its own resources to affiliates and to unorganized workers in support of organizing/union recognition campaigns, contract campaigns, and strikes.

Adopted: May 18, 2023

October 2022

NYC CLC Resolution in Support of the Racial Justice Commission

The Executive Board of the New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO adopted a resolution in support of the Racial Justice Commission as well as proposed amendments to the New York City Charter through 3 ballot proposals. The NYC CLC stands in support of the Racial Justice Commission - formed to focus on racial justice and reconciliation with a mandate to identify and root out structural racism. The proposed amendments promise to bring power, access, and opportunities to BIPOC New Yorkers and to create lasting capacity and accountability.

Adopted: October 4, 2022

NYC CLC Resolution in Support of The Clean Water, Clean Air and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act of 2022

The Executive Board of the New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO adopted a resolution to support the passage of The Clean Water, Clean Air and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act of 2022 as well as to take steps to ensure our affiliates have the information and access to shared resources to vote yes on the proposed Act. The Environmental Bond Act will provide funding for local infrastructure and environmental restoration while establishing strong standards for prevailing wage rates on construction projects and allowing municipalities to require contractors to adopt labor peace agreements and buy American structural iron and steel.

Adopted: October 4, 2022

NYC CLC Exec Board Resolution in Support of Coalition Building towards Pro-Worker Immigration Policies

The Executive Board of the New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO resolved to continue to work with allies and affiliates to engage all branches of government, based on the principles outlined in this resolution in Support of Coalition Building towards Pro-Worker Immigration Policies. The NYC CLC believes the pathway to fixing an unjust, exploitative system will require continued partnership from organized and unorganized labor and will take steps to ensure that affiliates and allies have tools and information to access new protections for immigrant workers, including materials, training, and case support.

Adopted: October 4, 2022

NYC CLC Exec Board Resolution on Promoting Worker Rights in the 2026 World Cup

The Executive Board of the New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO resolved to demand that FIFA and United 2026 uphold their statutory human rights commitment, which includes a commitment to labor rights. The 2026 FIFA Men’s World Cup, hosted by the United States, Canada, and Mexico is the first opportunity to see FIFA’s new human right standards fulfilled. While past World Cups have been associated with low wages, dangerous jobs, preventable worker deaths, community displacement, and corruption; the NYC CLC will work with affiliate and community allies to ensure that FIFA and the NY/NJ Host Committee agree to specific requirements to ensure that our communities benefit from hosting the games and to establish a legacy of strong labor standards for future mega-sporting events.

Adopted: October 4, 2022

February 2022

NYC CLC Resolution in Support of Local Law 87 - Labor Peace Agreements

On February 28, 2022, the Executive Board of the New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO approved a resolution in support of Labor Peace Agreements as enacted in Local Law 87. The City of New York enacted Local Law 87 to protect workers’ right to organize, requiring certain human services contractors who hold contracts with City agencies to sign Labor Peace Agreements with Unions. It is the belief of the NYC CLC that government should encourage the collective bargaining among workers and that taxpayer dollars should never be used to hinder worker organizing.

Adopted: February 28, 2022

June 2020

NYC CLC Passes Resolution in Support of Financial Relief for the United States Postal Service

On June 3, 2020, the Executive Board of the NYC Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO approved a resolution,  acknowledging the importance of the public Postal Service to all Americans and the need for it to survive this crisis, submitted by New York Metro Area Postal Union, American Postal Workers Union (APWU). Additionally, the Postal Service employs over 600,000 workers represented by four unions, and its closing would be devastating to this workforce. The New York City Central Labor Council will encourage all member unions to ask their members to support the public Postal Service by calling their two Senators and requesting immediate financial relief for the Postal Service, and ask their friends, relatives and co-workers to do the same with their two Senators, especially those who live in rural states.

Adopted: June 3, 2020

May 2020

NYC CLC Executive Board unanimously passes Resolution condemning anti-Asian, Pacific-American discrimination

On May 20, 2020 the Executive Board of the NYC Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO unanimously passed a Resolution condemning anti-Asian, Pacific American discrimination submitted by the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA) NYC Chapter. In light of COVID-19 our brothers and sisters in the Asian Pacific community have been subjected to discrimination and harassment. This statement is particularly appropriate as May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. 

Adopted: May 20, 2020

November 2019

NYC CLC Passes Resolution Calling on the City to Bargain in Good Faith with the Council of School Supervisors and Administrators

At the November 2019 NYC CLC Executive Board meeting, the CLC approved a resolution in solidarity with the Council of School Supervisors and Administrators (CSA) during their contract negotiations with the City, calling on the City to bargain in good faith with the members who have been working without a contract since April.

Adopted: November 21, 2019

NYC CLC Passes Resolution in Solidarity with Housing Works Workers in Their Campaign to Ensure Workers Can Organize Free of Intimidation

The Executive Board of the New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO endorses the RWDSU's campaign to organize Housing Works workers, demands that the non-profit lives up to its values and mission by allowing the workers to organize free of intimidation, and calls on Housing Works management to return to the table and negotiate a fair neutrality agreement that will ensure that the organization remains truly neutral in the campaign. 

Adopted: November 21, 2019

October 2019

NYC CLC Passes Resolution Against Outsourcing of City Auto Mechanics

At the October 2019 NYC CLC Executive Board meeting, the CLC approved a resolution, in solidarity with SEIU Local 246, calling upon the City of New York to hire more Auto Mechanics that will reduce the Auto Mechanic-to-Vehicle ratio, and thereby lead to all maintenance and repair work being performed inhouse by SEIU Local 246 Auto Mechanics. The New York City Central Labor Council will encourage all member unions to individually stand with SEIU Local 246 until all privatization has stopped.

Adopted: October 8, 2019

NYC CLC Passes Resolution Supporting the Workers on Strike at GM

Nearly 50,000 UAW GM autoworkers are striking to demand fair wages, a fair share of profits for workers, a path to permanent employment for temporary workers, affordable health care, and job security. The NYC CLC and the broader NYC Labor Movement are shoulder-to-shoulder and prepared to support the members of UAW in their fight against General Motors and the future of the American Labor Movement.

Adopted: October 8, 2019

NYC CLC Approves Resolution In Support of Nail Salon Workers Organizing Campaign

There are more than 35,000 nail salon workers in New York, the vast majority of these workers are women of color and immigrants and paid a subminimum wage.

The NYC Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO, endorses the Campaign for Health, Dignity and Justice for Nail Salon Workers with the NY NJ Regional Joint Board; and supports legislation that will raise standards for all workers in the industry and will ensure that all businesses are held to fair and equitable standards.

Adopted: October 8, 2019

May 2019

NYC CLC Passes Resolution Condemning the Defamatory Actions of the MTA

At the May 2019 NYC CLC Executive Board meeting, the CLC unanimously approved a resolution condemning the recent actions of MTA Chairman Patrick Foye and MTA Board Finance Committee Chair Larry Schwartz for their unfounded accusations of criminal conduct, the MTA invasion of the workplace by an armed police force, and the insidious attempt by the MTA to pit the taxpaying general public against the workers of the MTA.

Last week, in a raw and calculated political stunt, Schwartz called a special meeting of the MTA Board and baselessly accused MTA workers of criminal conduct in connection with overtime. Additionally, the MTA effectively declared a war on working people by having armed police squads invade MTA worksites, intentionally creating an image of the MTA workforce as a criminal population despite the fact that it is the management and supervisors who direct the workforce to do overtime to complete the work required to keep the system moving. In fact, it was MTA Management who specifically bargained for elimination of the overtime caps in the collective bargaining agreements for NYC Transit workers in the interests of avoiding the pension and health costs of full-time workers, which had the direct effect of creating the overtime need for which they are now blaming the workers.

With this resolution, the New York City Central Labor Council declares that it will not stand by while the MTA and its Board defame working people in the press and attack hardworking members in their workplaces to protect their own short-term political interests. Read the full text of the resolution here, and watch video of TWU International President John Samuelson responding to the attacks at last week's special meeting here.

Adopted: May 16, 2019

February 2019

In Support of Labor Involvement in the 2020 Census

​The Executive Committee of the New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO, unanimously passed a resolution regarding the upcoming 2020 federal census. The resolution recognizes that an inaccurate census—such as the one that took place in 2010 undercounting an estimated 200,000 people across NYC—denies miscounted persons fair and equal representation in government, including allocation of federal funds for health, education, transportation and many other programs. The Council resolves that it will take steps to ensure labor representation on local Census Count Committees; help recruit members for Census Bureau positions at all levels; and work in partnership with labor, civil rights advocacy groups, community-based organizations and local government on a campaign to ensure a full, and fair census. ​

Adopted: February 21, 2019

November 2018

In support of the Campaign for Postal Banking

The Executive Board has resolved that the CLC endorses and supports the "Campaign for Postal Banking," including the ongoing efforts to compel the Postal Service to provide basic financial services such as paycheck cashing and electronic funds transfer as a step toward establishing nonprofit, public postal banking.

Adopted: November 15, 2018

Protecting the Public Safety and Jobs in the Age of Autonomous Vehicles in the New York City Public Transit System

The Executive Board resolved that the CLC stands in opposition to the introduction of autonomous buses into NYC; that if they are introduced it should occur only if and when they are proven to operate safely for passengers, pedestrians, and other vehicles; and that we will not accept any job losses among NYC transit bus operators as the result of such an introduction. The board emphasized that the CLC is not opposed to the introduction of technology that can make public transit buses even safer by equipping them with cameras, sensors and wireless technology to prevent collisions, with the understanding that there are safety gaps that only a human operator can fill.

Adopted: November 15, 2018
