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DCINY Musicians on Strike: "No Contract, No Peace!"

Sean Mackell
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“NO CONTRACT, NO PEACE!” That was the rallying cry of over 100 musicians and union supporters who picketed in front of Carnegie Hall on Feb. 20 to demand a fair contract for the DCINY Orchestra, who are represented by AFM Local 802. The striking workers were joined by State Senator Jessica Ramos, pictured here, who told the crowd, “DCINY can’t get away with creating beautiful music and not paying the musicians the wages, job security and benefits they deserve!” She added, “Musicians should be afforded a life of dignity for bringing us so much joy and beauty to all of our lives, especially right now, at a time when we’re so desperately trying to recover from the past few years. We want good jobs for every single worker, including our musicians. DCINY: do the right thing!”

Local 802 Organizing Director John Pietaro said, “The orchestra’s regular musicians are the reason for DCINY’s once-stellar reputation. They built its status over a decade, and yet this employer’s retaliatory practice has only sought to dismantle this strongly artful group since it became organized.” Click here for the latest updates including how to help.

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DCINY Orchestra on Strike!