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Alphabet Workers Union-CWA Members Rally in Solidarity with YouTube ULP Strikers outside NYC Google Store

Sean Mackell
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Alphabet Workers Union-CWA members and their coworkers on the YouTube Music Content Operations team, contracted through Cognizant, are on an Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) strike after the company issued a Return to Office (RTO) order in response to the workers filing for a certification election with the NLRB. The RTO was issued despite the fact that the vast majority of the workers were hired during the pandemic and have always worked remotely.

This is the first strike for the Alphabet Workers Union and the first known strike at Google. On Tuesday, union members in New York City, home to a large portion of the FTE-side YouTube Music team, and allies in the labor movement rallied outside of the 9th Ave Google Store in solidarity with the striking workers to say "No!" to union busting. Watch video of the solidarity rally here and contribute to the workers' strike fund here.

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Alphabet Workers Union ULP Strike Fund