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Climate Jobs NY Update: "Ambition to Action" Climate Jobs Workshop and Activist Training for Union Members

Sean Mackell
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Climate Jobs, a nationwide coalition of unions and environmental advocates, organized the “Ambition to Action” workshop for union members interested in learning about the effects of climate change, potential work opportunities in electrification and renewable energy, and why and how it can be done with organized labor at the forefront. The workshop took place at 5:00-6:30 p.m. ET on Thursday, September 22, in person and virtually, so union members across the country could participate simultaneously. We were joined by Climate Jobs coalitions in Maine and Illinois along with Local 3 IBEW, SEIU 32BJ, UA Steamfitters Local 638, and the Seafarers International Union of North America.
At the Electrical Industry Training Center in Long Island City, Queens, the workshop was facilitated by Climate Jobs’ Long Island Regional Director Mariah Dignan and Educational and Cultural Trust Fund (E&C) Director Michael Yee and Associate Director Erland Castillo. To conclude the workshop, a video of Local 3 IBEW Business Manager Christopher Erikson — a self-described “climate warrior” — speaking at the People’s Climate March was shown to the class.

We know that by sharing our personal stories we can make change not only with elected officials, but with our neighbors, family, and fellow workers.