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Organizers Train Up To Win at July Organizing Institute

Sean Mackell
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Last week, approximately 30 member and staff organizers from the Minneapolis CLC, Western CT AFL-CIO, NYSUT-AFT, Northside TX - AFT, APWU, CWA, IATSE, OPEIU, SEIU MN, TWU, UMWA, USW, & UWUA joined together from across the country to share experiences, and learn and reinforce best practices on how to go on the offensive and assist working people WIN respect and dignity on their jobs through organizing a union.

Check out the video here to see how Johanne (UAW), Jamie (OPEIU), Nadja (LiUNA), Darryl (UWUA), and Shaun (TWU) plan to assist working people to win respect and dignity in their workplaces through organizing a union!

Keep a eye out for the AFL-CIO's upcoming September 15 - 17 OI Digital 3-Day Training, which will go public in early August. Please note this training will be a Spanish-speaking ONLY training. The AFL-CIO will also go public in late August with the October - January OI Training Schedule. Visit for updated information and to register for upcoming digital webinars, 3-Day Trainings, OI mini-workshops, OI Advanced Organizer Workshops, and OI Exchange Clinics. You can also email for more info on how to get involved.