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Climate Jobs NY Update: Coalition of Unions Launch Carbon Free and Healthy Schools Campaign

Sean Mackell
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On Wednesday, just ahead of Earth Day, the United Federation of Teachers, District Council 37, 32BJ SEIU, the New York City Building and Construction Trades Council, the New York City Central Labor Council, Climate Jobs NY and others launched the Carbon Free and Healthy Schools campaign. This initiative aims to make schools a model for carbon-free buildings by updating antiquated heating and cooling systems, making use of large rooftops to generate solar power, and increasing school buildings’ overall energy efficiency. The program would also create thousands of new jobs and save schools millions of dollars in energy costs.

In a virtual event attended by labor leaders, union members, and other allies and supporters of the campaign, members of the coalition—including Gary Labarbera, President of the Building & Construction Trades Council of Greater New York and the New York State Building & Construction Trades Council, Vincent Alvarez, President of the NYC Central Labor Council, Michael Mulgrew, President of the United Federation of Teachers, Henry Garrido, Executive Director of District Council 37, and Kyle Bragg, President of 32BJ SEIU—spoke to the urgent need for significant and immediate improvements to New York City public schools. As a part of this campaign launch, four leading candidates for mayor of New York City pledged to support this initiative if they are elected.

Building Carbon Free and Healthy Schools requires a community effort. If you are excited about this initiative, please add your name to our pledge and join our movement to make schools – and the planet – healthier and safer for all. Please visit our campaign website: and sign our pledge.

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Take Action — Carbon Free and Healthy Schools