Take the Pledge: Support the New Yorker Union!

The New Yorker Union, represented by The NewsGuild of New York, is nearing the end of its fight for a first contract. Members have been at the bargaining table for more than two years, and they recently voted overwhelmingly to authorize a strike if negotiations break down. Though they're not on strike yet, their vote has made it clear to The New Yorker and Condé Nast that they are ready to do whatever it takes for fair pay and a fair contract. Guild members at Conde Nast have been fighting hard to secure a contract that respects and values their work, including a public battle and subsequent victory for just cause, no exceptions.
Members are calling on subscribers and supporters to stand with them by signing this pledge to honor the union’s picket line if members have to strike. The magazine’s unionized workers keep the institution running. Support them in their fight for fair wages and a strong contract.