Organizing 2.0
This year's Organizing 2.0 Conference is taking place on April 16 and 17th online.
Since its founding in 2009, Organizing 2.0 has been the place where union staff and members go to learn online organizing and new media communications skills. Even prior to COVID we knew how important it was for unions to be able to communicate with members online, organize workers, demonstrate support for our issues and even scare the bosses using the power of digital tools and strategies. Organizing 2.0 is the conference that teaches these skills in the ways that are most relevant to our work and for all levels of skills-- even the most tech inept.
That’s why we signed on as a founding partner to Organizing 2.0. Tickets are now on sale-- . If your union is interested in sending six or more members or staff please contact who can set you up with a group purchase.
There will be over 50 trainings with topics like:
Twitter for Absolute Beginners
Writing Email Blasts That Get Read
Calling All Labor Organizers: How to Find Leads & Build Support for New Organizing
Getting Better Facebook Engagement for Worker Organizing
Graphic Design for Non-Designers
How to Make and Edit Video: from TikTok to Crowdsourcing
Running Spanish-Language Digital Strategy
There’s even a panel to peep behind the curtain of the union staff running Labor’s most popular Twitter accounts-- (IATSE, UFW and UNITE HERE, if you were wondering) so we can learn from them. There is no other event like this that combines digital strategy and labor organizing. So we hope you’ll join us there!
Register here: