Climate Jobs NY Update: Green Energy Can Put the Wind in Long Island's Sails
Offshore wind is having a moment, and none too soon, said Newsday's Editorial Board this week.
"For years, it’s been clear that embracing green forms of energy like wind and solar is key to fighting climate change, which increasingly threatens our region. Now, with the auspicious alignment of recent developments, the winds of change are blowing mostly in the right direction.
Progress has been substantial, as far as it goes. There’s still lots to do. For all the plans announced by state officials, all the interest from offshore wind companies, and all the contracts signed, we still have to:
- build the facilities to manufacture wind farm components,
- improve port infrastructure in Brooklyn and Albany so those parts can be shipped,
- construct the wind farms off Long Island and lay the cables to deliver the energy that will reduce our dependence on greenhouse gas-emitting fossil fuels,
- set up training programs for workers who will maintain the farms, and
- develop the maintenance hubs for those workers."