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Climate Jobs NY Update: Point Judith Visit and Letter to NY Independent System Operator

Sean Mackell
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Mariah Dignan, Climate Jobs NY’s Long Island organizer, had the opportunity to travel to Point Judith in Rhode Island this month to visit. Thank you to Elizabeth Marchetti, Equnior's Fisheries Liaison, for the invitation and for taking the time to meet with Mariah.

Mariah also spoke with a half dozen area fishermen including the Captain of the Proud Mary, Chris Brown, to learn about draggers, fishing squid/herring/flounder, and how fishermen are integral in responsibly developing the offshore wind industry. The fishermen made it clear that they want to protect our oceans. They are all-in for clean energy and addressing the climate crisis, but we need to ensure they can safely do their jobs as well.

CJNY also recently sent a letter to the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) on the importance of reevaluating our market models to permit colocation of renewable energy resources into our grid. The letter also touched on the importance of necessary onshore transmission upgrades, the potential of battery storage, and the need for a trained union workforce to complete this work.

As we are examining what a just transition looks like, CJNY is looking forward to continuing to work with key partners such as NYSERDA, New York Power Authority, LIPA, and union locals to efficiently inject zero-carbon emitting energy into our grid. Click here to read the letter!

Climate Jobs New York is a growing coalition of labor organizations, including the NYC CLC, representing 2.6 million working men and women at the center of New York’s economy. Learn more here!