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President Vincent Alvarez's Statement on Obama Immigration Action

Sean Mackell
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New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO President Vincent Alvarez has released the following statement regarding President Obama's announcement on immigration action:

"President Obama's announcement outlined a first step in the right direction for our country, and for working families.  

"Though there is still more work to be done, this executive action will help to eliminate the many workplace abuses that often come along with undocumented immigration status. The critical protections afforded by legal worker status are both long overdue, and necessary to ensuring that all workers receive fair wages, benefits, and working conditions.

"The Labor Movement will continue to stand with hardworking men and women, as we hold Washington accountable for bringing all 11 million undocumented residents out of the shadows. This work will not be finished until our government provides all working men and women the freedom to openly live, work, raise families, and have a real path to citizenship in this land we all call home."