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Statement From Vincent Alvarez on Nov 6 Elections

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Congratulations to all the union members who put their time and energy into volunteering on election campaigns here in NYC with the Central Labor Council and in the general election. We join with them and hardworking families across the country in celebrating the re-election of President Barack Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden. The union presence locally and nationally was strong this year – thousands of members went on labor walks, did voter outreach and dedicated long hours to phone banking for Labor candidates, with great results. For many, this work was combined with relief and clean-up efforts in the parts of New York and New Jersey that were hit by Hurricane Sandy. We can’t thank them enough for their dedication. Last night was a huge step forward; we will use that momentum to rebuild from Hurricane Sandy, and ensure that our elected officials are creating good jobs and greater economic opportunity, as well as protecting much-needed social service programs and the middle-class. -- Vincent Alvarez, President, NYC CLC