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Workers Memorial Day 2013

April 30, 2013
1:00PM - 2:00PM

92 Laight Street @ West Street
New York, NY
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Every year the Labor Movement commemorates Workers Memorial Day as a day to remember those who have suffered and died on the job and to renew the fight for safe workplaces.

This Year, on Tuesday, April 30th, The NYC Central Labor Council with the New York Committee for Occupational Safety & Health (NYCOSH), and the Greater NY Labor Religion Coalition will commemorate Workers Memorial Day at 92 Laight St. in Lower Manhattan. This is the site where Anthony Nahr, a parking attendant and IBT Local 272 member, drowned during Hurricane Sandy.

While this will be an opportunity to mourn the loss of Mr. Nahr (as well as the many others who lose their lives at work or because of the work they do) this will also be an opportunity to highlight the continued need for regulations protecting workers and ensuring when the workday ends, every worker returns home safe and healthy.

What:                 Workers Memorial Day

Where:               92 Laight St. (at West St.), NY, NY 10013

                          (A,C,E to Canal St.; or 1 to Canal St.)

When:                Tuesday, April 30th - 1pm to 2pm.

Who:                  NYCOSH; NYC Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO;

                          Greater NY Labor Religion Coalition

                          Congressman Jerrold Nadler


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Worker Memorial Day